Sunday, July 6, 2008

Cost Of Malpractice Insurance - Medical Malpractice

One of the areas of the medical community that is causing the biggest news in the last decade or so is the rising cost of medical malpractice insurance.

Not only is the cost to the medical community rising but the overall price rise in other aspects of medical care including health insurance - which many in the medical community blame the malpractice insurance underwriters. As the healthcare provider cost rises, so then will other charges.

Malpractice insurance in very important and a requirement for doctors and others in the medical community. With the number of lawsuits, class action cases and others on the rise - as well as medical fraud, the costs to the healthcare doctors and others in the medical field increase. This creates a dangerous atmosphere for the business and the patients.

Unless the system can be changed top to botton, the cost of malpractice protection will continue to increase. Many cite - similar to health insurace provider issues that there are not enough companies competing and thus the price for the insurance policy business remains high. This can be caused by many insurance companies not wanting to write malpractice policies or if they do, they price the premiums high enough to cover any fraud or high settlement policy issue.

Unless specific laws and policies can be changed as well as looking at the whole system, the situation will most likely get worse as there are not many new companies entering the malpractice insurance business.

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